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  24 GeV e- on Iron
  20 GeV e- on Neon
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8 GeV e- on CsI
 Sven Menke


The Electro Magnetic Shower Simulator is a quick and dirty tool to simulate electro-magnetic cascades in matter induced by high energetic particles. It's not a high precision program meant for scientific use but a simple way to get some nice pictures of in general invisible elementary particles and their interactions with matter.


The physical processes simulated in the program are:

  • Ionization energy loss
  • Multiple Coulomb scattering
  • Bremsstrahlung
  • Pair production

A magnetic field can also be simulated leading to 'Bubble chamber' like pictures in case of liquid neon. A small brown arrow indicates the direction of the magnetic field.


The program is written in C on a X windows system. For each 'living' particle the four-momentum vector and its location and charge are stored. Only electrons, positrons and photons are simulated. They decay due to the implemented physical processes mentioned above until a certain cut off energy is reached. The decay eliminates the parent particle and creates two new particles: an electron positron pair in case of pair production and an electron or positron and a photon in case of bremsstrahlung. The tracks of the charged particles are then drawn in energy depended colors ranging from 'blue' = low energy through 'red' = medium energy to 'white' = high energy.

source code

Sources are available for free from the author Sven Menke