TPC R&D miniworkshop on Wednesday 12 January 2005 13h-19h at LAL Orsay and 14 January 14h-16h at Ecole Polytechnique Paliseau.

(press RELOAD to be sure you get the latest version!)

The next workshop will be at Berkeley 23-24 March (following the LCWS at Stanford).

Duration for workshop at Orsay: It seems efficient for the telephone/video connections to have an early lunch and start early afternoon, i.e. start setting up phone/etc connections at 12:30 so the talks can start at 13h, and go to, say, 18h+ on Wednesday and then continue on Friday afternoon for about 2 hours.


VRVS Virtual Room 'Moon' has been booked by Dean Karlen for 14:00-16:00 on Friday 14 January (session at Ecole Polytechnique).
